About Kiwanis
Kiwanis was founded in Detroit, Michigan, January 21, 1915. On November 1, 1916, the first Canadian club, Hamilton, Ontario, was formed. Kiwanis has grown up simultaneously in the two North American countries.
The Kiwanis Club of Poseyville was organized February 28, 1946. The Mt. Vernon Kiwanis Club was the sponsor. Walter King was president and Ralph Gronermeier was Secretary of the Mt. Vernon Club.
Kiwanis is a service organization for men and women. Its members voluntarily share in the burden of community leadership, they do the humane helpful things that unfortunates cannot do for themselves, or that people working as individuals simply cannot do.
Kiwanis clubs render voluntary services to youth, community, and the nation. Kiwanis works with boys and girls, senior citizens, the underprivileged, the mentally handicapped, and sick. Last year Kiwanis clubs around the world raised and spent more than $65 million on community service activities, with special emphasis on meeting the needs of young children. Kiwanis members also donated more than 22 million volunteer hours to these service activities.
Kiwanis clubs are located in the United States, Canada, and 80 other countries around the world. Today, Kiwanis has grown to number 32,000 Clubs and 600,000 Members
The name "Kiwanis" has an Indian flavor. It is a coined word taken from the language of the Indians around Detroit.
The Motto - "We Build"
Kiwanis is a volunteer organization in which clubs choose their own members. Kiwanians must be of good character and at least 18 years old.