Cutest Baby Contest

Poseyville Kiwanis Club is proud to sponsor the Cutest Baby Contest.  This event is for girls and boys ages 0 to 12 months by October 1st.  All contestants will have a number assigned to their picture, and voting buckets will be set out with the numbers of all contestants.  Family, friends, and the community can vote by putting money into the bucket.   The contestant with the most money in their bucket will be the winner.

Winner will receive
Birthday Cupcakes made by Chosen Creations
Gift Card from Tools 4 Teaching
Gift Basket

 Please complete the entry form by September 12, 2025.  Once received, you will receive an email with instructions to submit the signed consent form and photo you want to be displayed for entry to  The photo must be in JPEG or PNG format.  Include the Child’s Name in the subject of the email.

Buckets will be located by the Information Booth at the Autumnfest. The winner will be announced on September 28th at 6:00 pm.