The Poseyville Kiwanis Club is proud to sponsor, for the first time, the Little Miss and Mr. Contest.  It will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at 1:00 pm.  This event is for girls and boys ages 4 to 7 as of October 1, 2025.  All contestants' names will be placed in a box, and the winner, 1 boy, and 1 girl will be drawn out.  Little Miss will receive a crown, and Little Mr. will receive a trophy.  Each winner will also receive a gift card.  Contestants must be present to win.  Previous winners are ineligible.  Winners need to be available to ride in a vehicle during the Sunday parade.  ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23.

Please mail the entry form and $5.00 entry fee to:

Poseyville Kiwanis Club

c/o Kristy Schmitt

7925 Wiggins Rd

Poseyville IN 47633

for questions, call (812) 453-5520